Monday, November 21, 2011

Manic Monday Thank You

Wow! Thank you to Thomas at Geneabloggers for the blog plug, and for all of my new readers, and those who left such kind comments about my new endeavour. 

I hope to sprinkle in some good, sound genealogical principles and research tips as I talk about my family history research. Who doesn't need tips on organization, good sources properly cited, and offbeat ways of bringing those people in your pencil box to life?

Ahh, yes, the pencil box. Perhaps I should provide a photo and an explanation for that very soon. 

More photos, too. Some that are truly amazing and bigger than a pencil box.

Original papers? Yep, have those. 

Speaking of where did I put that deed I was talking about the other day *wink*. 

Again, thank you for your kind and welcoming comments. I hope to continue to pique your interest and have you coming back for more. 

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